Gracie ONE tactical courses

GRACIE ONE Tactical Range Courses are essential for anyone who uses or wishes to begin using firearms, providing the necessary skills and knowledge to handle firearms safely and effectively.

During our courses, students learn how to use different firearms, shoot accurately, reload quickly, and engage multiple targets. They also learn how to move tactically, communicate with their team members, and make quick decisions under pressure.

Instructors may use various training methods, such as scenario-based simulations, live-fire exercises, and drills to simulate real-world scenarios. Tactical range training is a critical aspect of firearms instruction for individuals who use firearms in any self-defense scenarios.

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Our Gracie One Combatives program provides the simplest and most reliable training for self-defense against an assailant or attacker. This program provides critical analysis of situational awareness, the de-escalation, avoidance and defense in combative or life-threatening scenarios.

The objective of our Gracie One Combatives program is to improve the way in which we approach every day life situations and recognize potential problems or threats.

We train to handle situations accordingly and to adapt when caught off guard or forced to defend ourselves and our loved ones. This program is for everyone!